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The gift of a second chance

It’s almost Christmas, and if you are still looking for a unique gift, sit back, relax – and browse through our shop. Check out our instant gifts, adopt an orangutan, or donate directly. Every gift you... View Article

Onward with oil palm, but in due balance

16 April 2009
Over the last 40 years, global oil palm cultivation has increased exponentially, with 43 percent of the total cultivated oil palm crop currently produced in Indonesia. This inception of palm oil as a valuable commodity, particularly as biofuel, has dramatically accelerated deforestation in Borneo, with only a third of the original forest cover expected to remain by 2020.

Keke (ke)

Keke (ke) A little about Keke (ke) Keke arrived together with Koko on the 01 july 2002. She had been Kokos friend and comfort at the lab where they were held. Keke is 100 blind. Whether blind from birth or perhaps from being damaged during her mothers...

Celebrity Ambassador announcement

4 June 2013
Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Australia announces new celebrity ambassador partnerships. BOS Australia is proud to align with such passionate media personalities, in their quest to help the plight of the orangutans.

Free Dilla

We have great news: Orangutan Jungle School star Dilla, together with her female friends Mawas and Jeliva, has been released on the Badak Kecil Orangutan Sanctuary Island! We are delighted to report the safe and successful... View Article

Orangutan under threat

20 September 2009
In Central Kalimantan, the hunters and poachers have the blood of orang utan on their hands. The forests that are home to these animals are also being cleared at an alarming rate in the name of development. A rehabilitation centre offers some measure of hope, writes Amy Chew.

Reno (No)

Reno (No) A little about Reno (No) Reno was brought to Nyaru Menteng together with Cantik on the 11th of April. He had been confiscated some 100 km from Palangka Raya and had only been with the owners for one day. He was approx 2 years old and still...

Orangutan Diary – DVD available now

Get to meet some of the Nyaru Menteng orphans in this rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This superb DVD contains the first series of the hit BBC television documentary and is available from our shop now.


It’s Summer Ginge ’15 time

GINGERary and Summer Ginge '15 is back on 27th February! Its organiser, R.A.N.G.A. (Red and Nearly Ginger Association) exists to represent the interests of ginger primates everywhere and over the years has raised money for one particularly special group, the orangutans.

Mother of the apes

28 September 2013
AFTER 17 years of saving orphaned orangutans in Borneo the former air stewardess who gave up everything to protect the animals is now starting to release them back into the wild.

Human laughter echoes chimp chuckles

6 June 2009
Humans aren't the only ones who like it in the armpit. Our fellow great apes - orangutans, chimps, bonobos and gorillas - also squeal in response to tickling, and new research shows this behavior may be the evolutionary root of human laughter.