OVP 2024_25

Ensure our orphaned cubs can feel secure and supported.

OVP 2024_25

Join Becky In Borneo On Our Orangutan Volunteer Program

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Join us for an unforgettable orangutan-packed adventure with Lou Grossfeldt
trekking through Australia's Sapphire Coast
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Because their future depends on us

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Jeni was badly injured during her time in captivity

Monyo was only 6 months old when he lost his mother

Show You Care – Adopt Today!

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Our Vision

Our vision is a world where orangutans are free from the threat of extinction and can live in the wild, unharmed by humans.

Orangutans have been released
back to their home.
Orangutans are being cared for in
our two sanctuaries.

Adopt an orphaned orangutan

Orangutans are on the brink of extinction. Help provide the care and rehabilitation 
they need to return to the wild.

The Problem

There are numerous threats to the viability of the remaining wild orangutan population in Indonesia and Malaysia.  The primary threat is the loss of habitat with up to 80% of suitable forest in Indonesia and Malaysia having been lost in the past 20 years. Other threats, which often go hand-in-hand with the destruction of the rainforest, are the illegal pet trade and poaching.

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You’ll receive updates from our orangutans, stories from our sanctuaries and learn more about our
work to save these beautiful creatures.

Our Community

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#pleasehelp our #Orphaned #baby #sunbears like Andrea in the video!

They urgently require a #babyhouse, and we are still far from our goal of raising $50,000 by the end of this month to be able to build this much-needed nursery.

#GiveNow here: bit.ly/Baby-House

While the cubs love to play in the forest during the day, they don't like to sleep alone in forest enclosures at night. The solution is a Baby House where their human surrogate parent can stay close and comfort them.

Will you pl#helpuselpUs so our bear babies no longer have to be stressed in the da#donatetodayToday here: bit.ly/Baby-House

You can also #taxdeductibletible donations by PayPal (bit.ly/BOSA-PayPal) or Bank Deposit (Westpac Bank, BSB: 033 112, Account name: Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Australia Incorporated, Account number: 2443#conservationa#love##naturea#WeNeedYourSupportpport
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21 hours ago

Although #orangutans are not natural swimmers and usually avoid deep water, they enjoy a refreshing dip.

Small creeks are common in our #OrangutanJungleSchool classrooms in the #rainforests of #borneo, and canals around our pre-release and sanctuary islands prevent the orangutans from escaping.


#WorldWaterDay #WaterIsLife #saveorangutans #savetherainforest
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2 days ago

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😍😍😍😍😍😍 Würde ich knuddeln 😍😍😍😍😍😍

As the largest tree-dwelling mammal, #orangutans depend on healthy forest ecosystems.

This #forestday, #JoinUs in #Protecting and #restoring vital #orangutan #habitat! #StrongerTogether we can #saveorangutans and their #rainforest homes!

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3 days ago

As the largest tree-dwelling mammal, #orangutans depend on healthy forest ecosystems.

This #ForestDay, #JoinUs in #protecting and #restoring vital #orangutan #habitat! #StrongerTogether we can #SaveOrangutans and their #rainforest homes!


As the largest tree-dwelling mammal, #orangutans depend on healthy forest ecosystems.

This #forestday, #JoinUs in #Protecting and #restoring vital #orangutan #habitat! #StrongerTogether we can #saveorangutans and their #rainforest homes!

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3 days ago

As the largest tree-dwelling mammal, #orangutans depend on healthy forest ecosystems.

This #ForestDay, #JoinUs in #protecting and #restoring vital #orangutan #habitat! #StrongerTogether we can #SaveOrangutans and their #rainforest homes!


#excitingnews‼️ We are relocating our beloved #orangutans from the Nyaru Menteng Rehabilitation Centre to their new #OrangutanJungleSchool!🦧

The new #forestschool features enhanced learning and play facilities for our little students, with an environment specifically designed to boost their development.

It's all thanks to your unwavering supp#StrongerTogetherether, we've made this milestone pos#staytuned#StayTuned for much more to come‼️

orangutan#saveorangutansO#ThankfulThursdayu#conservationn#lovetion #love
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4 days ago

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I wish they would show season 3 of Orangutan Jungle School. The first two were the best. Beni and the babies kept me very entertained. ❤️❤️❤️

Great, thank you all for your great help.

Wonderful and heart warming to see. ❤️❤️

Wonderful people caring for our wild life ,some thing I would love to do .👏👏👏👏💕💕💕💕

How wonderful..thank ypu for your dedication

Ooooh the orangutans in the schoolbus 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Looks amazing well done.

Fantastic news 👏 😀

What a great job to have. Keep the good work up. Love job like that

Thank you for taking such wonderful care of these majestic creatures!!

And they just the most gentle of wild animals

Many blessings to you all, today and always ❤️

Absolutely beautiful

Wonderful 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Miss the tv shows


Bravo merci beaucoup pour eux

Well done team

Smga ttp trjga dan lestari alamraya

Precious !

Will they go back into the wild

Dale Hopkinson you and your friends going to school xx

Sweet babies ❤️❤️

Hoc Lam

How lucky they are to have such a great Staff to be watching over them! Well Done! 👏❤️

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#exciting times are ahead!

As we settle into our #newlocation, we are installing new enrichments to keep our #orangutans active, strong and prepared for a future life in their wild #rainforest home.

#staytuned for more to come!

#saveorangutans #OrangutanJungleSchool
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6 days ago

Happy #stpatricksday!

#Orangutan Lesley loves hats. What do you think of her melon one for today's occasion?

These s#greatapestApes often cover their heads with leaves for protection against rain, mosquitoes, wasps, and to provide shade from the su#saveorangutansutans
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7 days ago

Happy #StPatricksDay!  

#Orangutan Lesley loves hats. What do you think of her melon one for todays occasion?  

These smart #GreatApes often cover their heads with leaves for protection against rain, mosquitoes, wasps, and to provide shade from the sun.


Happy #stpatricksday!

#Orangutan Lesley loves hats. What do you think of her melon one for today's occasion?

These s#greatapestApes often cover their heads with leaves for protection against rain, mosquitoes, wasps, and to provide shade from the su#saveorangutansutans
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7 days ago

Happy #StPatricksDay!  

#Orangutan Lesley loves hats. What do you think of her melon one for todays occasion?  

These smart #GreatApes often cover their heads with leaves for protection against rain, mosquitoes, wasps, and to provide shade from the sun.


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Happy St Patrick's Day to you all and especially to any of the Irish Diaspora in your country ☘️❤️


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